- Our Team -

Loren "Fitz" Fitzgerald
Fitz has called Potter County home for the last 50 years. He spent 20+ years in the USAF before coming back to his hometown. Initially starting the preserve, he's found his passion running GCUP and giving clients awesome hunts with his Vizslas.

John Fitzgerald
A veteran from the USAF, John returned home to help his father guide hunts and manage GCUP's online presence. He loves both upland and predator hunting.

Jim Distel
A lifetime hunter and a career as an executive chef, Jim has been guiding for 20+ years. For him, there is nothing more rewarding than guiding and watching someone harvest their first bird.

Miles Fleniken
Miles hails from NW Louisiana and has called Potter County home for the past decade. When not hunting or pursuing upland game, he's frying fresh catfish and gulf shrimp from Southern recipes.

Taylor & Alex Hand
Taylor and Alex are part time guides on God's Country Upland Preserve. Make no mistake though, guiding great hunts with outstanding memories is a full time job for this couple.

Eric Potter
Eric is a native of the Potter County area and a part time guide on God's Country Upland Preserve. WIth years of experience guiding and hunting himself, he is sure to give you the hunt you've been waiting for.

Bethany Ford
A longtime birdhunter and part of Huntin' Dix, Bethany has become one of the guides at GCUP. She leads great hunts and in her offtime, loves horseback, shed hunting, and archery.

Rocco is a young Llewelyn Setter from the original bloodline that joined our team in 2024. He's top tier at guiding hunts.

Cheyenne is a nationally trained and traveled star. She joined our team in the 24-25 season and has become an anchor of the preserve.

Ladybird Johnson & Annabelle

Ladybird is a Vizsla who hails from Mira Vizslas in Wisconsin. She is a protege at hunting birds and has the sweetest temperament. AnnaBelle is from Onancock, VA. She joined our team officially in 2020.
Josie is a two-year old Vizsla who started training in South Dakota. She joined the team in 2021 and started guiding in April 2022.

Axle is a tri-colored GSP who began his career in Wisconsin. He joined our team in 2021. Don't mistake his gentle demeanor...he is a silent assassin on upland game.

Colt is a GSP that is just as deadly as his name. He is the main dog of Taylor and Alex, and is another workhorse of our preserve.

Fiocchi is another GSP that has proven her caliber on GCUP. Able to work alone or on a team of dogs, she is absolutely devastating on a hunt.